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How to Move for a Job: Advice from Professionals Who Relocated for Work

How to Move for a Job: Advice from Professionals Who Relocated for Work

Managing and advancing your career
Here we summarise what professionals who have relocated for work advise so you make sure your move is a positive experience.
Article author: Kerry Watts
      Written by Kerry Watts
       (4-minute read)
Many people relocate for work at some point in their careers, whether due to a layoff or simply landing a fantastic new job. And sometimes there is no option: the openings you want aren't available locally, so you need to make the choice between staying where you are and not fulfilling your potential, or relocating and striking out - hopefully for a successful career.

But even if it's finding your dream job, it can still be a stressful ordeal. looking for a new home, packing everything you own, figuring out how to transport all your belongings ... the list goes on.

Here we summarise what professionals who have relocated for work advise so you make sure your move is a positive experience.

The To-Do List

Even if you have moved before, moving for work is often very different because it needs to fit the timeline for starting your new position. So make a detailed to-do list to stay on top of things.
We highly recommend planning your move with a checklist with everything you need to do before, during, and after your move, broken down into a week-by-week format. This will help keep you organized and essentially save your sanity!

Your list should contain things that need to be done sooner rather than later, like home maintenance, listing your home, selling or donating unwanted furniture, and a packing schedule. On top of these jobs, it should also include last-minute to-dos, such as confirming movers, defrosting your fridge and freezer, and handing over the keys to your old home.

No matter how insignificant a task may seem, add it to the list. You may be surprised at what slips your mind with the hustle and bustle of the move.

Your New Home

If you are unfamiliar with your new job location, don’t buy a house right away!
It’s a poor course of action to commit to buying a home or a long lease, only to find out you don’t particularly like that part of town – or, just as bad, that your new job isn’t a good fit. Some companies may offer you a temporary place to stay while you get your bearings in your new town, but if that doesn’t happen, consider a short-term rental agreement while you get a feel for everything. It may feel strange at first if you’re accustomed to owning a home, but it can save you a lot of stress in the long run.

Relocation Costs

Every move will incur expenses, depending on how much you want to take, how far you need to travel, and your chosen method. Estimating this cost is possible – and highly recommended!
First off, is your new company footing any portion of your relocation expenses? With the thrill of a new job, people often forget to ask about this (or maybe they don’t want to), but it may be worth a shot. And although this can make things more affordable, you should still draw up a budget to see what kind of costs you are looking at because everything can add up quickly. Home Advisor estimates that a typical cross-country move costs anywhere from $2,078 - $5,645, with a cross-state move still running over $1,000.
You will include more significant expenses like transportation when calculating your relocation costs. Don’t forget the smaller items like meals on the road and essentials like light bulbs and consumables you will need in your new home. So be sure to consider all your moving costs so you budget accordingly.

The Movers

You should consider everything you need to move, who will do the heavy lifting, and what transport is required.
You may decide to rent a U-Haul and put in a lot of elbow grease; alternatively, you may want to pack up your home for professional movers to take over or maybe let the movers do everything – packing, transportation, moving, and unpacking.

Many providers now offer instant quote services so you can quickly compare options, and some even have apps to handle your needs before, during, and after. If it’s in your budget, professional moving services can be worth their weight in gold when it comes to stress relief for a big project. Just be sure to opt for a company with a good reputation and the proper certifications, insurance, and licenses to ensure things go as smoothly as possible.

Settling In

Whether it’s you, a family member, or everyone involved, feeling homesick when you’re in a new place – especially soon after the move – is ubiquitous.
This is normal, but try to be proactive in making your new home feel more welcoming by getting to know your neighborhood and what your new area has to offer. This could be as simple as taking the family for a walk around the block or downtown to take stock of the local sights, people, and businesses. Or perhaps try joining a local sports team or club for something that interests you. These are excellent ways to get your bearings in your new environment, meet a few new people, and even hone a skill or two along the way.

Rest assured that many professionals before you have had successful moves. While we all understand that moving for work can be very stressful, through careful planning and consideration, it doesn’t have to be so. Enjoy the process, remember to relax, and don’t forget to celebrate your new job and your new home. After all, you deserve it!

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