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Write For Us

Quality articles are welcome on training, development or business subjects

Write For Us

We set up ZandaX in 2014 as a resource for everyone involved in training, development and business.
Since then, we have built a quality portfolio of selected courses and an impressive library of blog articles.

You can see how well received our articles are -- after all, you probably visited us from a Google listing...
We do not chase website traffic, nor SEO metrics, for their own sake, so we do not participate in practices like link exchange, ABC linking, link farms, blog comments, PBNs, etc.
So our website visitors are genuine people, and they consistently number well in excess of 10,000 per month, most of whom visit our blog from organic (Google) search.
These are numbers from Google Analytics, not a third party guess...

Most of our articles are written by our team of in-house and associate editors, all of whom are subject experts in their own area, and reinforce all their writing with extensive research.

We also publish guest post articles from external writers, so if you think you can write for us, providing our readers with unique, helpful content that brings real benefit and value, please get in touch.
It's OK for guest writers to represent an ethical business or organisation, and although we allow mild promotion, we refuse anything connected to pharma, CBD, financial, gambling, porn, etc ... you get the message.
Whether you're a specialist writer, a subject expert or a marketing operator, we would welcome your approach.

So if you're interested in writing for us, please click to

We’d recommend that you do some research within the ZandaX blog so you're sure that your article doesn't cover a topic that already exists in our content.
Also, every article is published under a category heading (i.e. not left "floating") which means that your contribution is highly visible ... but it must relate to one of these. So please take a look at the categories on our main blog page

Rules for Publication

  • Format and Structure
    • Word count should be a minimum of 700 words, up to a maximum of 1,400 words
    • It would be helpful, though not essential, to include two high-quality, relevant images from a royalty free website in your article, giving us the URL of each source
    • Any links within the article must contain helpful anchor text, and add value to the content
    • Anchor text must be a maximum of four words long
    • Articles must be sent in Word/Google Doc file format
  • Quality
    • Content must pass our quality checks for plagiarism, grammar, spelling and clarity
    • Content must be unique, and written in plain English, formatted in American English
    • Content must be structured using headings and sub headings (H2, H3 tags), short paragraphs and bullet points where necessary
    • Articles must not be "keyword-stuffed" or contain repetitive sentences or paragraphs
    • Poor quality articles will be returned for you to rewrite
  • Relevance
    • The subject, and content, of your article must relate to the theme of our website: namely training and personal development
    • Do not submit articles or include content that is connected to disreputable activities or websites
    • We will add no more than two internal links to our own website content, on the theme of the article, to increase relevance
  • Publishing and Copyright
    • You assign the copyright for the article to us, along with the right to edit it entirely as we feel necessary
    • The article will be published under our own editor's name
    • The article will remain permanently on our website although we reserve the right to remove it should it be republished, in whole or substantive part, on another website
    • We also reserve the right to remove any link to a website that subsequently incurs penalties or a bad reputation through what we consider to be malpractice

OK, so if you'd like to write for us, what are you waiting for?

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