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Why aren’t HR professionals given the credit they deserve?

Why aren’t HR professionals given the credit they deserve?

Dealing with the demands of human resources
HR professionals often go unnoticed and undervalued. But why? Here, we look into some of the main reasons for this lack of recognition.
Article author: Ashley Andrews
      Written by Ashley Andrews
       (3-minute read)
During my time working in Human Resources I've noticed an issue. HR professionals often go unnoticed and undervalued. This raises the question; why does this happen?
Especially since it's obvious that in todays fast-paced business world HR teams put in one hell of a lot of effort and commitment.

In this piece I'll look into some of the main reasons for this lack of recognition for HR professionals.

Behind the Scenes

One key reason is that HR tends to operate behind the scenes ... quietly making sure that things run smoothly. While other departments receive praise for accomplishments like sealing a deal or meeting shipping targets, the impact of HR work isn't always visible. From creating policies to resolving conflicts, much of what HR does takes place out of sight ... and maybe out of mind ...

Administrative Perceptions

There's also a misconception that HR just handles tasks such as paperwork processing and benefits management.
While these responsibilities are important, they only scratch the surface of what HR involves.
In reality HR professionals juggle roles -- from recruiting and retaining talent to growing employee engagement and contributing to company growth.
Regrettably the prevailing view of HR as "form fillers" tends to downplay the appreciation they deserve.

Conflicting Priorities

This aspect might catch you off guard. It exists because HR must support employees while also aligning with management's goals.
By acting as the intermediary between staff and management they must resolve conflicts, address complaints and support employee welfare.
But this dual function can sometimes lead to misunderstandings and misconceptions. And this can lead people on both sides of a dispute to question HRs dedication!
And should this occur it will further reduce their acknowledgment.

Measuring Success

Assessing an HR team's performance can be challenging using metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs). Measures like production levels, sales figures or even project completion are easily quantifiable.
And while it's quite possible to measure the impact of HR initiatives like employee engagement or staff turnover, these may not resonate with people outside of HR.
In today's competitive business world there is often a tendency to prioritize short term outcomes over longer term "people" issues.
And this can also lead to HR's contributions being underestimated or not fully recognized.


Moreover HR professionals often face the challenge of combatting misunderstandings about their role. They are sometimes unfairly stereotyped as "enforcers" or "compliance officers" rather than as strategic partners and trusted advisors. This limited view not undervalues the complexity and scope of HR responsibilities: it also perpetuates this lack of appreciation within organizations.


Recognizing the value of HR professionals is an issue influenced by perceptions, misconceptions and operational factors. To truly understand the role that HR plays it's essential to acknowledge the significant responsibilities they handle beyond basic administrative tasks.
By valuing the role that HR plays in driving success and fostering a culture of recognition and collaboration, companies can unleash the full potential of their HR teams.
This creates an environment where every employee is valued and supported, which contributes to more success.

It's time to shine a light on the overlooked heroes in HR and give them the recognition they deserve...

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