When last did you consider some coaching or mentoring for yourself – or your staff?
Professional sports teams have coaches, even though the players themselves can have brilliant skills. Some of the most successful business people in the world have
private coaches, that help them focus on all aspects of the business, rather than just focusing on one aspect of the business.

Recently at a networking function, I met the private coach for the CEO of one of the UK's largest companies. He said that the person used him to maintain the human touch. While a brilliant businessman and excellent at idea generation, cost reduction and a whole host of other issues, this person used a coach to assist with staying focused on the social aspect of the company, and seeing his staff in a different light than just a resource. I know how difficult this can be, I have previously worked for somebody that had previously been a milk farmer, and compared all his staff to cows. What did he need to do to get the most out of each one? I identified with everything he had to say.
So why, if professionals like sports people and top CEOs use coaches or mentors, do so few of the rest of us do so? I know some of us have a coach at the gym, but I am referring to in the business world.
While some people would have permanent coaches or
mentors, you could choose to use one in a limited capacity. That often is a more cost effective option. When companies do training for their staff, the companies that often see the most tangible benefits and changes arising from the training are those companies that also arrange follow up coaching and mentoring.
If you are going to put your entire sales team or customer service department through training, why not have the trainer go back a month later and see how people are putting it into practice? Some companies arrange for all the people to be in a follow up mentoring session together, while others arrange for the people to have a short session 1:1 with the coach each.
Most recently we had a company that put 6 telephone operators on the same course, and then the trainer went back for a follow up day and sat with each one for an hour, giving individual mentoring on how they could apply certain aspects of the training as she listened to them on the telephone.

So, whether you are considering something for yourself, or if it is for some of your staff, if you have any questions as to how it could work or what is available, do not hesitate to give us a call. Whether it is for pure 1:1 mentoring, or mentoring following up training, there will be ways that you can
improve your own business skills, and see a change for the better! Or perhaps you would like to be able to coach your own staff, and keep it internal? Do you have the skills to do that? You could also learn the basics on how to do coaching yourself for your staff.
For more information about coaching skills training courses, click here.