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Anger Management Articles

The ZandaX Anger Management Blog

Clear guidance and great ideas for a better future

Managing anger in yourself and others

Read Our Articles on Anger Management

The Difference Between Appropriate and Inappropriate Anger
The Difference Between Appropriate and Inappropriate Anger
Kerry Watts
Author: Kerry Watts
About the article
Since anger is natural, and all people experience, why do some people have anger management problems, and what does this actually mean?
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Positive Ways to Channel Your Anger
Positive Ways to Channel Your Anger
Kerry Watts
Author: Kerry Watts
About the article
Anger can be used positively. This article looks at how to channel your anger, both inwardly and externally.
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Is It OK To Get Angry?
Is It OK To Get Angry?
Ronnie Peterson
Author: Ronnie Peterson
About the article
Because anger has such a negative social stigma, many fail to realise its natural. This looks at how it's natural and can be positive.
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The Most Damaging Effects Of Anger
The Most Damaging Effects Of Anger
Kerry Watts
Author: Kerry Watts
About the article
Anger can have many negative impacts on a person if left unchecked, including both mental and physical. Here we look at the most common ones.
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Do You Know What Triggers Your Anger?
Do You Know What Triggers Your Anger?
Kerry Watts
Author: Kerry Watts
About the article
Different things trigger anger in different people. This looks at common causes of anger, and why it's important to know what triggers you.
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Why Assertive People Aren’t Angry
Why Assertive People Aren’t Angry
Kerry Watts
Author: Kerry Watts
About the article
Some people simply don't appear to get angry. The chances are that these people behave assertively. So, they do get angry, but behave well.
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