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The ZandaX Personal Development blog

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Today's Must Read Articles

Nine Reasons Why We Need to Communicate Assertively
Nine Reasons Why We Need to Communicate Assertively
Ashley Andrews
Author: Ashley Andrews
About the article
Thinking and behaving assertively can be two separate things but you need both for success. Here are nine reasons to think and act assertively.
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5 Ways to Avoid Communication Barriers in any Environment
5 Ways to Avoid Communication Barriers in any Environment
Ronnie Peterson
Author: Ronnie Peterson
About the article
Barriers to effective communication cause problems everywhere. These 5 tips will show you how to avoid common breakdowns in communication.
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What Your Body Language Says About You
What Your Body Language Says About You
Ronnie Peterson
Author: Ronnie Peterson
About the article
Your body language makes up for more than half of how you communicate. These tips ensure you're giving off good signals while communicating.
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How Good Time Management Can Improve Your Relationships
How Good Time Management Can Improve Your Relationships
Ronnie Peterson
Author: Ronnie Peterson
About the article
Poor time management can significantly hurt your relationships. In this article we look at how good time management can improve a relationship.
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How a Training Course Changed My Life
How a Training Course Changed My Life
John B
Author: John B
About the article
Training courses in new areas provide people with new opportunities in many areas. Here we look at how your life can change after training.
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How to Develop a Routine to Stop Wasting Time
How to Develop a Routine to Stop Wasting Time
Ashley Andrews
Author: Ashley Andrews
About the article
We have compiled a list of some of the most successful time management strategies that can help you to excel in both your work and personal life.
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8 Ways to Completely Refresh How You Communicate
8 Ways to Completely Refresh How You Communicate
Ronnie Peterson
Author: Ronnie Peterson
About the article
Changing the way that you communicate can change how you impact those around you. Here are 8 ways to change how you communicate.
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How to Be More Likeable by Being Less of a Bully
How to Be More Likeable by Being Less of a Bully
Riley Mitchell
Author: Riley Mitchell
About the article
Many of those struggling to make friends are behaving in a bullying manner, unknowingly. This looks at how ending this will make you friends.
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How to Reduce Your Stress by Improving Your Relationships
How to Reduce Your Stress by Improving Your Relationships
Riley Mitchell
Author: Riley Mitchell
About the article
If you constantly suffer from stress, it can be that your relationships are the cause. Here's how healthy relationships help to reduce stress.
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How Stress Affects our Thinking Patterns
How Stress Affects our Thinking Patterns
Kerry Watts
Author: Kerry Watts
About the article
Prolonged stress has the ability to radically affect our thinking patterns, usually for the worse. This looks at how that can happen.
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Do You Know What Triggers Your Anger?
Do You Know What Triggers Your Anger?
Kerry Watts
Author: Kerry Watts
About the article
Different things trigger anger in different people. This looks at common causes of anger, and why it's important to know what triggers you.
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6 Ways Assertiveness Will Improve your Family Life
6 Ways Assertiveness Will Improve your Family Life
Ronnie Peterson
Author: Ronnie Peterson
About the article
Behaving assertively can dramatically impact your home life. These 6 ways to change your behaviour will have great outcomes for you.
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More Recent Articles

Why Women Are Seen as Abrasive When Being Assertive at Work
Why Women Are Seen as Abrasive When Being Assertive at Work
Why are women seen as abrasive when being assertive at the workplace? Why is assertiveness in women perceived negatively? Find out on the ZandaX blog.
Nine Reasons Why We Need to Communicate Assertively
Ashley Andrews
Ashley Andrews
Nine Reasons Why We Need to Communicate Assertively
Thinking and behaving assertively can be two separate things but you need both for success. Here are nine reasons to think and act assertively.
Think You're A Good Communicator? Take Our Free Test!
Ashley Andrews
Ashley Andrews
Think You're A Good Communicator? Take Our Free Test!
Communication skills are key, but we often don't give them much thought. Here, we show you why and how our free test can help you improve.
7 Reasons Why You Need To Improve Your Social Skills
Riley Mitchell
Riley Mitchell
7 Reasons Why You Need To Improve Your Social Skills
Are you aware that maybe your social skills are lacking, and want a bit of guidance? In this article, we show you just how important this is
The Importance of Being On Time for Work
Riley Mitchell
Riley Mitchell
The Importance of Being On Time for Work
Being punctual is not just about being on time for work: it's about transforming how other people see you. Find our more in this article.
The 7 Ingredients Needed in all Successful Relationships
Ashley Andrews
Ashley Andrews
The 7 Ingredients Needed in all Successful Relationships
All relationships need certain ingredients in order to prosper and succeed. This article highlights 7 essential elements for success.
The 5 Hidden Secrets of Being More Likeable
Ronnie Peterson
Ronnie Peterson
The 5 Hidden Secrets of Being More Likeable
From forming stronger relationships to gaining respect, the advantages of likeability are formidable! So we show you how to be more likeable
4 Strategies to Overcome Communication Barriers in the Workplace
Ashley Andrews
Ashley Andrews
4 Strategies to Overcome Communication Barriers in the Workplace
Here are 4 simple strategies to help you overcome communication barriers in the workplace and become more effective as a result
How to Get Better at Time Management and Problem Solving
Ashley Andrews
Ashley Andrews
How to Get Better at Time Management and Problem Solving
Want to boost your productivity and become more efficient at work? Follow these 9 time management and problem solving tips and you will see considerable improvement over time.
The Need To Be More Likeable
Riley Mitchell
Riley Mitchell
The Need To Be More Likeable
Likeability can be a passport to greater success. Here, we show you the key factors in being more likeable and moving towards a better life.
Why Being More Assertive Will Help Your Anger Issues
Riley Mitchell
Riley Mitchell
Why Being More Assertive Will Help Your Anger Issues
Being more assertive in life could yield many great benefits. Not least of all because it can help reduce your anger issues. Find out more benefits.
5 Ways to Avoid Communication Barriers in any Environment
Ronnie Peterson
Ronnie Peterson
5 Ways to Avoid Communication Barriers in any Environment
Barriers to effective communication cause problems everywhere. These 5 tips will show you how to avoid common breakdowns in communication.

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