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Why is Time Management Important at Work?

Why is Time Management Important at Work?

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Why is time management important? Good time management can affect your performance at the workplace by wowing others! Learn how!
Article author: Ashley Andrews
      Written by Ashley Andrews
       (6-minute read)
Time management can have a huge effect on your performance and productivity in the workplace. Not only will it make you a more efficient employee, but it will also help you meet deadlines, produce better quality work and develop yourself. This is hugely important if you want to get yourself noticed at work and take the next step in your career. Effective time management skills will make you a much better employee, so it's worth developing these skills early on.

Why Time Management is Important in the Workplace

There are so many reasons why time management is important at work. It is one of the most sought after qualities for employees to have, and with good reason. Managers need to be able to assess their workers' productivity and make sure they are getting the most out of their employees. Not only is it good for business, but it is also a skill that can be of benefit to the workers themselves.

Time is Money

You've heard it before, ‘time is money' and it's true. Everyone is given the same amount of time in a day and it is up to you to make the best use of your time. If you waste time at work, it means you are getting less work done, which in turn costs the company money. Employers will want to get their money's worth out of their workers, so be sure to earn your wage by making the most out of your working hours.

Set Your Priorities in Order

Effective time management will mean you prioritise your tasks efficiently so that you focus on the most important and time-pressed tasks first. The last thing you want to do is waste time on things that don't matter and then rush the things that do.

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Deliver on Time

By focusing on the high priority tasks first you will also ensure that you meet deadlines and deliver your work on time. If you have agreed to complete a job by a certain time, then you need to ensure that you deliver on that promise. If you don't, then you can potentially lose out on important clients or customers, or even lose your job.

Improve Efficiency and Productivity

Having the right time management skills will make you a more efficient and productive worker. That is because you are not wasting time on menial tasks and are completing your work in the quickest time possible. That does not mean you rush your work and forego on quality, it just means that you are making the best use of the time you have been given.

Provide Better Quality Work

Since you are prioritising your tasks effectively and not wasting valuable time, you will be sure to provide a higher standard of work. This is because you are able to put all of your focus into the task and give it all the time and attention it requires. As you are not getting distracted by other things, or stressing about everything that needs to be done, you can produce your best standard possible.

Make Better Decisions

When people are in a rush and are pressured to complete work, they are more likely to make reckless decisions that haven't been well thought out. When you manage your time effectively, you also have more time to consider important decisions that will allow you to make the best choices possible.

Eliminate Procrastination

It's so easy to get distracted by other things and put off work when it's something you don't really enjoy doing, or when you're not sure how to confront a certain task. When you have a set schedule you know you have to stick to, you can help to eliminate procrastination and face the task head on.

Reduce Stress and Anxiety

People often get stressed out when they feel they have too much work to do and not enough time to do it. Not only will it waste a lot of time, but it can also be detrimental to your health. Health problems such as heart disease, depression, obesity and autoimmune diseases can be caused or worsened by the effects of stress. Avoid this by having a system in place that you know will allow you to get the work completed on time. Having a routine that you know you can trust will make all the difference and alleviate any anxiety you might otherwise feel.

Improve Your Work/Life Balance

Having good time management skills is not only important at work, but it can also have a positive effect on your life outside the office. The better you manage your time and work, the more productive you are, which means you don't have to stay late to get everything completed on time. That means you have more time to dedicate to yourself. As you feel calmer and less stressed out, you won't bring all that negativity into your household which can have a negative effect on your relationships.

Break Bad Habits

Taking control of your routine and schedule will help you avoid stepping into the same familiar traps that can have a negative effect on your work. By being more conscious of the time you have and how long certain tasks should take to complete, you can set yourself achievable targets that will allow you to stay on track. It also means that you are more likely to identify bad habits and break that cycle. This includes things like wasting time checking your Facebook, or avoiding work you don't want to do.

Create a Fair Workplace

If you make sure that you are managing your time as best as you can, then you can help create a fair workplace where everyone is producing the same standard of work and nobody is holding the team back. Employees tend to harbour resentment towards those they feel are not putting the same amount of effort into their work as they are. You can avoid this by ensuring that all your workers are working to the same volume or a time-based target so it is easier to judge how well everyone is progressing.

Become More Successful at Work

Become a Better Employee

Being a more productive employee will give you more time to improve your quality of work and help you deliver your work on time. It will also make you more respected among other employees as it shows that you respect targets and deadlines. Getting through your work efficiently will also give you more time to learn additional skills and improve the way you work. By developing yourself in the workplace, and being consistent in your work, you can set yourself apart from others that could lead the way for promotional opportunities. Managers will be on the lookout for workers who can be counted on to deliver, so time management is a hugely important skill to have.

How Can You Improve Time Management?

There are various techniques you can use to improve your time management skills at work. This includes coming up with a routine and setting targets and deadlines for you to meet. It also means taking a closer look at how you work and what areas you need to improve. If there are certain steps or processes you can take out to work more efficiently, then this is something that needs to be considered.

Effective time management can have a hugely positive impact on your work and your life in general. Taking the time to develop these skills can be a great asset and make you a better employee, so make sure that you do what you can to improve this.

Want to Manage Your Time Better?

If you'd like to learn more about time management, why not take a look at how we can help?

Learn how to manage your time better with our online courses.
RRP from $89 – limited time offer just $12.99

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