More information about what you get

Video course

You'll learn using easy-to-follow on-screen videos which you can pause, re-run and revisit as often as you like.
The course is arranged into modules, each with several lessons. Refer to the course content for more details on what's covered. You can choose which module (or lesson) to review at any time.

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Interactive course with workbook

SUMMER Offer pricing (RRP $ 128.99)

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$ 22.99
$ 22.99
$ 109.20
$ 21.84
$ 206.90
$ 20.69
$ 959.50
$ 19.19
$ 1,724.00
$ 17.24

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SUMMER Offer pricing

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$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 0.00

Options for your Shopping Cart

Line Management Master Class

Interactive course with workbook

SUMMER Offer pricing (RRP $ 128.99)

Click on your choice [ it can be removed or edited in the cart ]

Order Qty
Total cost
Unit cost
$ 22.99
$ 22.99
$ 109.20
$ 21.84
$ 206.90
$ 20.69
$ 959.50
$ 19.19
$ 1,724.00
$ 17.24
Home   >  Leadership & Management   >  Team Leadership & Supervisor Skills   > 
Line Management Master Class

Line Management Master Class package

TWIN pack: Fundamentals AND People Skills

Premier Leadership & Management courses in one package

Courses included in the Line Management Master Class package

Fundamental Skills for New Managers & Team Leaders

Includes Making the Transition, New Responsibilities, Time Management and Communication Skills

People Skills for Team Managers & Leaders

Includes Setting SMART Goals, Building Trust, Assertiveness & Anger, and Managing Conflict & Difficult People

Course requirements

No experience in a line management role is needed, though experienced managers will find a huge amount to learn and upgrade their skills!

Who's this course for?

Line managers, team leaders and staff supervisors, present and aspiring, who are looking for an interactive, practical way to get a solid and structured insight into the key principles of managing teams for results, at their own pace, simply and without difficulty.

How you'll benefit from the Line Management Master Class package

Get a great understanding of Line Management, and learn skills that will fast track your management career. See how to get sustainable results from your team with our fully interactive Line Management course designed, written and developed by seasoned professionals.

The courses in this package, like all our courses, have been developed over many years of classroom and online delivery.   Content has been thoroughly researched and is constantly updated so it's always leading edge.   Course content is delivered by professional presenters and is full of practical knowledge and solutions. You'll find it full of practical knowledge and solutions that you can apply to your life.

Still wondering whether to do the course?
Just think of it this way: how much would you benefit if you had better Line Management Master Class skills?

About the ZandaX Line Management Master Class package

Two courses for all line managers and team leaders, written by professionals with years of experience, of line management and getting results.

In these great, fully interactive courses, we cover the background, the generic skills you'll need, and issues you'll encounter with conflict, anger, and even difficult people.

By putting what we say into practice, you'll soon be in control of a highly motivated and productive team - and enjoying the process!

So become a line management expert today!

Watch the modules, revisit them time and again, in any order. Use it as your reference library ... and have fun with improving your skills!

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Grab Our
SUMMER Offer ...

$ 22.99
  $ 128.99
Quantity discounts available

Here are the courses you get with the Line Management Master Class package

Fundamental Skills for New Managers & Team Leaders

New to Line Management? This Course is for You!

About the Course
Making the Transition
Responsibilities of a Supervisor
Managing Your Time Better
Communicating For Success
Next Steps

People Skills for Team Managers & Leaders

You'll Never Manage a Team Without People Skills!

About the Course
Building & Managing Trust
Assertiveness and Managing Anger
Managing Conflict & Difficult People
Next Steps

Grab Our
SUMMER Offer ...

$ 22.99
  $ 128.99
Quantity discounts available

More information

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Click for more about Leadership & Management courses
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